
Ai decided to do a time lapse of our office view.   It’s crazy what 2 hours looks like.   We heart Salt Lake City.

Our First Salt Lake Meetup Was Awesome!

Our First Salt Lake Meetup Was Awesome!

Thanks so much to all those who attended our first Meetup: Learn to Build Your Own Website!  We had a wonderful turnout of guests.   We broke bread (more like The Pie Pizza) and discussed tools to help build your online presence. A few topics we discussed included: Blogging options–Tumblr, (we ourselves use Tumblr) Wordpress, and Blogger A/B testing–Optimizely is a great choice Responsive Design–we’re fans of Twitter Bootstrap and Zurb Academy Billing options–Square, Stripe, Pay Pal Programming tools–Team Treehouse, Isotope, Code Academy There were a lot of great questions asked, and we were so pumped to answer them.