
We Helped out SundanceTV for the 2016 Sundance Film Festival

9 years ago


As a Utah based company, we were pumped to work on a project for the upcoming Sundance Film Festival.

SundanceTV needed a custom WiFi portal to hook visitors up with free wireless access at the SFF.  We made a custom portal that integrates with the Unifi Wireless hot spot system that our partner IT company set up for them. The customized hots pot displays a form that allows SundanceTV to enroll users to their newsletter and collect analytics. We were happy to meet their needs, and we’re glad we could assist in this exciting project!

To all those who attend the festival the next two weeks, enjoy!  And good luck to those nominated!

Blog Tags:  SquareHook Sundance Film Festival SundanceTV Sundance Executech mycoolnerds wifi hotspot mobile friendly wifi portal

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